Posts Tagged ‘cooking in winter’

Halfway: Souper Day 15

January 15, 2014

500soupsYay, had another productive day. Got Janathon exercise checked off my list first thing this morning — highly unusual for me! A 3 mi. walk with friend Teres. The roads were a little icy but they melted as the sun was coming up. We were careful in spots & managed well, even on the hills. Done by 9am & had planned to blog it early too, but a busy day at work got in the way & went by so quickly, I’m only now getting to my post.


SoupGame3Diet went mostly well, but I did have a 2nd serving of soup. Couldn’t resist. I love soup in winter. I make all kinds to suit my mood & love them equally. My friend Susan gave me this book years ago. It was a great gift.

The photos here depict some of the soups I’ve made in the past year. They are, in no particular order: Borscht, Mulligatawny, Hungarian Mushroom, Tom Kha Goong, Posole, Curried Carrot & Avgolemono. I also make Tomato-Basil, Seafood Chowder, French Onion & Cream of Asparagus or Broccoli, but seem to have missed photographing them? Wait, just found a homemade tomato soup pic in the context of a grilled cheese sandwich. Oh yum! I’d better go to bed before I get hungry again…


