Creative Every Day: Creatures Real & Imagined

I get announcements in the mail for tempting exhibits like this one. Busy as I am, my eyes are always bigger than my datebook allows. Even so, I manage to get to most of the shows I wish to see… under duress… the day before they yank it to put up the next show, HA! I squeaked in to see this exhibit on Saturday, July 3 @ 5pm (gallery closes at 6pm). Whew, close call, as usual!

As a result of my visit, I painted this textured rooster, shown above. You can get a closer look by clicking on the photo. It was inspired by a beautifully patterned painting in the exhibit, entitled “Roosters in the Mist” (Marlene Samaf). There were all kinds of wonderful things there, which I was unable to photograph because an alert attendant was milling about (no photos allowed). It’s hard to be discreet when you’re the only one in the room. Damn! I saw a handblown glass deepwater fish I really wanted to show fellow sketch-exchange artist Steve, and I also saw a very fun sculpture-fountain made of salvaged metal & a pump by Marty Kelley, called “Whizzer.” It was a dog. You can probably guess how Mr. Kelley incorporated the pump in order to make it a fountain? What a great garden decoration it would be! Out of my price range, rats.

I told my husband about it, since he has been welding salvage sculpture lately. He made this bird for me last week. It uses a rake (wings) & the cutter from an old sicklebar mower (head). I loved its literal toe”nails”! One of these days, I am going to take my camera to the town dump with a blog post in mind. Technically, it’s been a “recycling center” for decades now, but we still call it the dump. To creative thrifty persons like ourselves, the town dump is a gold mine. I usually scout the “swap shed” for art materials while Ken digs for useful things in the scrapmetal heap. There’s even a “junk” sculpture garden there. When out-of-town friends visit us, we actually include the town dump on a list of local sight-seeing options.

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12 Responses to “Creative Every Day: Creatures Real & Imagined”

  1. Shannon Says:

    I have a rusty rake head Ken can have. Should I save it for him? I meant to get it reaffixed to the shaft (does he want that too?) but it seems that it’s been broken and fixed before. Still a useful yard sale purchase, but might be time for a new one.

  2. steve Says:

    Wooow! How cool is this? Great post Heidi! I’m loving the rooster you made too by the way!

  3. sherry goodloe Says:

    Love the rooster you painted!

  4. peggy fussell Says:

    Wonderous creatures!! This puts me in mind of my days in Texas, I was a regular at the scrap metal salvage yard. I had a thing for gears. All sizes.

  5. henniemavis Says:

    Thanks to you two, from both of us :-)

  6. mike Says:

    OK, you won’t swim and I won’t scavenge the town dump/recycling center. It’s settled.

  7. melissa Says:

    What a wonderful rooster, the texture of the brushwork is marvelous!

  8. Amy Says:

    Love the rooster!

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